Our Mission Science
PiperCleo supports philanthropy in a variety of ways.
Not only do we give back to the Las Vegas community (where our jewelry is made), but our mission is to also spread good vibes and confidence through the design of our products.
In our March for Science collection, we are donating a $1 of each product sold to the American Association of University Women. We chose to support this organization because we want to empower women in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math fields (S.T.E.M.). According to the Census Bureau’s 2009 American Community Survey, women comprise only 24% of workers in STEM fields. UUAW provides the support and empowerment for women who are interested in pursuing a career in STEM. Through our March for Science collection, we hope to create a little empowerment that you can wear and help spread support for women in STEM.
Shop our march for science collection